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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Tomb Raider Chronicles System : Playstation Date Added : 2002-06-17 09:44:05 Views : 32001 All Items,unlimited ammo,all weapons and Special Features (PAL Version) In game (New game or Saved game) go into Inventory. Highlight ''Timex'' Hold L1+L2+R1+R2. Press ''Down'' Go back into game. Re-enter Inventory and all Items,weapons and unlimited ammo will be there. If you quit game, the Special Features will be in the main menu. The sound won't be in main menu though as the PSX is supplying memory I suspect, so ''Save'' to keep all these things permanently in a save. Black Isle At the Main Menu, highlight the New Game option. At this point, hold L2 and Up, then press X. Cut Scenes At main menu, press Select+R2 for a selection of cut-scenes. Gallows Tree level select At main menu screen highlight new game. Hold L2 and push x to start on the Gallows Tree level. Get All Items For Any Level During the game, press SELECT. Use left/right directions to highlight the Large Medikit (DON'T select it !). Press and hold L1+R1+L2+R2+down+square+x, then release them. Entering again in this menu with SELECT you'll get all the items for that level. Russian Base At the Main Menu, highlight the New Game option. At this point, hold L1 and Up, then press X. Secret level On the title screen, centre over the 'new game' option. Then hold on to R1 and press X. The secret level should load and you can play as Lara wearing a leather suit. The Base - level select At main menu screen highlight new game. Hold L1 and push x to start on the The Base level. Tower Block At the Main Menu, highlight the New Game option. At this point, hold R1 and Up, then press X. Unlimited MediKits and Ammo Select the small-medikit and press L1+L2+R1+R2+Up. Small and large medikits will become unlimited. Hold those buttons and press Square, ammo will become unlimited, some items like other weapons, laser scope and silencer will also be given. Unlimited Small/Large Medibags & Flares (PAL Version) In game enter inventory. Highlight ''Timex'' Hold L1+L2+R1+R2. Press ''Up'' As you scroll along medibags and flares will be unlimited Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Tomb Raider Chronicles cheat codes.
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